Art & Culture
Cultural Heritage
There are two burial mounds in Trikuaizti. Both of them were discovered in 1978 by J. Zufiaurre and excavated between 1981 and 1985, Trikuaizti I between 1981-1984 and Trikuaizti II between 1984-1985 respectively. Archaeologists J.A. Mujika and A. Armendariz from Aranzadi Science Society were responsible for directing the excavation. They were later rebuilt in order to maintain their previous look.
Trikuaizti I is a little bigger and, probably, according those who led the excavation, was used in two different periods: in the Neolithic and, later on, in the Eneolithic. On the contrary, archaeologists were unable to determine the age of Trikuaizti II, although it seems it is a very old monument, probably, one of the most ancient megalithic monuments in the Basque Country. Both were declared historical monuments within Cultural Heritage section (BOPV, 03/05/2001).
Restos arqueológicos