Art & Culture

Cultural Heritage

Arrese Palace

Arrese Palace dates back to the early 16th century. Its unique arch and little windows are typical features of medieval defensive buildings. However, a Renaissance balcony built at the end of 16th century in one of the corners confers it the appearance of palace.


The balcony is placed in a corner over the coat of arms of the family that lived there.


According to latest research, Pedro de Ibarra, who built the balcony, is the veritable artist who distorted some elements in order to adequate them to the perspective from the very floor. The building has Ionic pilasters on its sides, an architrave, a decoration-free frieze and a lintel cornice. Over it we will find the tympanum, in whose centre we will see a woman's bust.


The building hosts private dwellings nowadays so the visitor can admire it only from the outside.

Information of interest

Type of resources
Interesting buildings and structures
Monument type


Barrenkalea, 30 - 20570 Bergara
Artistic style
16th century


  • Guided visit