Irizar Palace

Irizar Palace

Art & Culture

Cultural Heritage

Irizar Palace, also known as Urrutia-Espilla, was built in the 17th century where an ancestral home was located. Ignacio de Urrutia, after years of service in the army, came back to Bergara and ordered the building of this palace to live in with his wife Ana de Espilla. It is a sober building with little decoration and surrounded by a gardened area. However, it should be mentioned a coat of arms located in one of the corners and the forging works in the balconies' balustrades. Curiously enough, in 1839, generals Maroto and Espartero signed the Bergara Agreement, which put an end to the I Carlist War. It was known as "Abrazo de Bergara" (Bergara Embrace). Nowadays visiting the interior is not allowed for it houses local offices.

Information of interest

Type of resources
Interesting buildings and structures
Monument type


Barrenkalea, 33 - 20570 Bergara
17th century


  • Park
  • Guided visit