Sestao Blast Furnace | Basque Country Cultural Heritage | Tourism Euskadi
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Altos Hornos de Vizcaya - Blast Furnace Nº1

Altos Hornos de Vizcaya - Blast Furnace Nº1

Art & Culture

Cultural Heritage

The High Stove of Sestao is the most important legacy that left Blast Furnaces of Biscay, the biggest company of the state during big part of the 20th century.

The set of the original factory of Blast Furnaces of Biscay had three areas, differentiaated geographically, in the third one was finding the Blast Furnace “1”, declarated Cultural Heritage in 1999 and the only blast furnace preserved at present. It was in the platform of artificial work of the ancient factory of Blast Furnaces of Biscay, in Sestao, along with the RENFE railroad. In this area there were located almost all the producing activities of the company: raw material treatment, car batteries, blast furnaces, smelting…

The blast furnace is a stove of vat constructed with refractory material, covered outwardly by a cuirass of welded sheet that constitutes its framework. Its depositor structures, that reaches a 80 meters height, turns i tinto one of the most attractive constructions of Sestao. It was declarated “Cultural Property” by the Basque Goverment in 2005. 

At present a plan exists on the part of the City Council of Sestao to recover it and to turn into a tourist destination.

Information of interest

Type of resources
Interesting buildings and structures
C/ Txabarri, 4 Sestao