Art & Culture
The historic building known as Torre Madariaga, built in the 15th century in Busturia and situated in a setting of extraordinary beauty like Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve, plays host to the Ekoetxea Urdaibai Euskadi Biodiversity Centre.
The association has two purposes: to become both a framework for biodiversity and a worldwide benchmark for natural heritage.
The building consists of two sections. One of the rooms centres on research and understanding biodiversity -which is known as Knowledge Unit-, whereas the other section -known as Area of Public participation- will raise public awareness and encourage diffusion among the public by means of offering information about biological diversity dynamically and raising awareness above all. The place makes use of exhibitions ¿the permanent one deals with the meaning of biodiversity-, audiovisual aids, interactive systems, and so on.
Once finished with this section, the visitors will have the chance to access the balcony of Tower Madariaga and enjoy the magnificent views. By means of spyglasses they will make out Izaro Island, Laida beach and Urdaibai's wetlands. Obviously, to complete the tour it is also possible to take part in the guided tours around the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve.
September-June Tue-Sun: 10am - 7pm July and August Tue-Sun: 10am - 8pm (Monday: Closed, except holidays)