Aiako Harria Natural Park | Basque Country Natural Areas | Tourism Euskadi
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Aiako Harria Natural Park

Aiako Harria Natural Park

The Aiako Harria Nature Park is an unique and beautiful park located in the Pyrenean foothills in the easternmost part of Gipuzkoa.

Irumugarrieta, Txurrumurru and Erroilbide are the three main mountains in the area and can be accessed via various well-blazed trails.

The park affords the visitor wonderful views of Txingudi Bay, the towns of Hondarribia, Irun and Hendaye, Mount Jaizkibel and the Oiartzun valley. Aiztondo, a ravine with a 100-metre waterfall is another of the park’s major attractions.

In the Aiako Harria rocky massif, there are dozens of mining shafts and galleries which originally belonged to the Arditurri mines (Oiartzun). The park’s Interpretation Centre, housed in the old mine’s laboratory, has a very interesting exhibition on the mining history of the area, which lasted from Roman times right up to 1984.

Its proximity to the French border led military engineers to build fortifications on this elevated terrain, some of which can still be visited in the park.

Information of interest

Natural Park
6.913 ha

Parketxe - Centro de Información

Minas de Arditurri, Oiartzun (Gipuzkoa)

+34 943 495 069

Errenteria Tourism Office

+34 943 494 521

Arritxulo Refuge

+34 943 580 010


  • Recreational area
  • Barbecue
  • Bar-stall
  • Camping
  • Caves
  • Forest ranger
  • Monuments
  • Parking
  • Camping-banning
  • Restaurant
  • Sports-gymnastic routes