Middle spotted woodpecker (CC BY-3.0-ES 2012/EJ-GV/Irekia-Gobierno Vasco/Mikel Arrazola)



Birdwatching areas

Izki is a densely forested area with one of the largest extensions of Pyrenean oak (Quercus pyrenaica) in Europe. This forest grows on the sandy soils of the River Izki basin and is home to a variety of forest-dwelling fauna and a perfect spot for birdwatching. With small ponds and bogs surrounded by mountains, ravines and limestone outcrops, the park encompasses a wealth of biological diversity.


The most highly-prized bird in the Izki natural park is the middle spotted woodpecker. This rare species poses a challenge to birders and to the park's natural resources team, whose job it is to safeguard the woodpecker's nesting areas.


And if you haven't been lucky enough to spot a woodpecker, the rock-breeding species that live in the forests here, such as the griffon vulture and the golden eagle, are much easier to come across.


Protection designation: Natura 2000 network and Natural Park


Birding Euskadi Information Office: Izki Natural Park Information Centre in Korres (Álava) Tel: 945 41 05 02 parqueizki@parques.araba.eus http://www.izkiparkea.eus


Birding routes: - Ravines of Izki - Route of the Pyrenean oak - The ponds of Izki

Information of interest

Birdwatching areas