Birding in Laguardia Pools | Basque Country Natural Areas | Tourism Euskadi - Tourism in the Basque Country
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Grey heron (CC BY-3.0-ES 2012/EJ-GV/Irekia-Gobierno Vasco/Mikel Arrazola)

Lagunas de Laguardia


Birdwatching areas

The name Lagunas de Laguardia refers to the four wetland lakes located just outside this picturesque town in the Rioja Alavesa region.


Three of these lakes are natural, internally-drained saline lakes with no outlet to the sea. This is the nesting place for mallards, coots, little grebes, great crested grebes, water rails and western marsh harriers. A colony of night herons, grey herons and purple herons also make their home in the reeds surrounding these lakes.


During migration and in winter they are visited by several species of ducks and waders, and even the rare great bittern appears from time to time.


The lakes are surrounded by characteristic Rioja Alavesa landscape – vineyards, almond orchards and patches of Mediterranean scrubland, in which birds with a Mediterranean distribution make their nests. Examples include the black-eared wheatear, the short-toed lark and the European bee-eater. A series of trails connect the lakes, making it easy to spot the birdlife in this area.


Protection designation: Ramsar Wetland, Natura 2000 network and Protected Biotope


Birding Euskadi Information Office: Tourism Office of Laguardia, Calle Mayor, 52. Laguardia 01300 (Álava) Tel: 945 600 845


Birding routes: - Lakes of Laguardia - Prao de la Paul Loop

Information of interest

Birdwatching areas