European greenfich (CC BY-3.0-ES 2012/EJ-GV/Irekia-Gobierno Vasco/Mikel Arrazola)

Southern Sierras of Álava


Birdwatching areas

The Toloño, Cantabria and Codés mountain ranges extend from east to west in southern Álava, forming a barrier that separates the Mediterranean and Atlantic basins. In just a small geographical area, a range of extremely different biological communities live side by side, reflecting the climatic differences between the northern and southern slopes of these mountains. The shady side is covered with dense beech and gall oak woods, marking the most southerly distribution in the Basque Country of species such as the European honey-buzzard and the marsh tit. On the southern slopes, which receive more sunshine and are more severely affected by fires, deciduous woods give way to holm oak and sclerophyll shrubland. Here the most outstanding species are raptors, the griffon vulture, Egyptian vulture, Eurasian eagle-owl and golden eagle, as well as other rock-breeding species including the alpine swift and the rufous-tailed rock thrush. The red-billed chough is also common in this park. Protection designation: Natura 2000 network Birding Euskadi Information Office: Izki Natural Park Information Centre in Korres (Álava) Tel: 945 41 05 02 Birding routes: - Ravines of Kontrasta - Ioar Trail - Toro Pass - Lobera Path

Information of interest

Birdwatching areas