Protected Biotope | Iņurritza Protected Biotope | Basque Country Natural Areas | Tourism Euskadi
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Protected Biotope

Iņurritza Protected Biotope

Located in the surroundings of Zarautz urban area, the Iñurritza Protected Biotope constitutes the widest and best preserved dune field on the coast of Basque Autonomous Region. This natural area stretches between the north part of the beach and the left bank of Iñurritza Estuary. It covers an area of 177,200 square metres, being most of them occupied by the Zarautz Golf Club's facilities.


As it is situated in a humanised environment, Iñurritza is a periurban area that possesses natural elements of great interest. Characterised by a dune landscape, the space is also associated to other typical coast environments, such as cliffs or rocky coastline, as well as the marshes and the estuary connected to the mouth of the irrigation channel of Inurritza. A newly built footbridge is going to allow us to visit the dunes that, together with the marshes and cliffs, make this place specially attractive.


It is a meeting point for species of flora and fauna with various requirements, resulting in a patchwork of specialised and interconnected communities.

Information of interest

Protected Biotope

Zarautz Tourism Office Phone: 943 830 990  E-mail: Arkamurka Nature Group Phone: 943 130 497 - 676 066 696 (mobile phone)


  • Camping
  • Camping-banning
  • Sports-gymnastic routes