Tourism destinations
Located in the historical territory of Alava, Arrazua-Ubarrundia belongs to Cuadrilla de Zuia. It is comprised of several neighbourhoods, being Durana the most remarkable one since it is the town's administrative centre.
Most of the town's area is situated on the banks of Ullibarri-Ganboa Reservoir, which controls the water of the River Zadorra and supplies Bilbao and Vitoria-Gasteiz's urban areas with water and electricity.
We can start our trip visiting the village's buildings and monuments. The Romanesque parish church of San Esteban in Durana attracts much attention, as well as the churches of Arzubiaga, Betolaza and Ullibarri-Ganboa. Likewise, it is worth mentioning the palace houses in Zurbano that date back to the 17th and 18th centuries and belonged to important families of the region.
Reservoir of Ullibarri-Gamboa, leisure area
Next, nothing better than relaxing with the different activities organised in the reservoir. There are two yacht clubs that offer trips and courses. Besides, there are several leisure and bathing areas such as Landa, the hostel in Zuaza Island and the cycle lane connecting Vitoria-Gasteiz with Landa. It is a great opportunity to enjoy nature in the surroundings of Arratzu-Ubarrundia.