Gautegiz Arteaga | Basque Country towns and cities | Tourism Euskadi
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Gautegiz Arteaga

Gautegiz Arteaga

Tourism destinations


Belonging to the historical territory of Bizkaia, Gautegiz Arteaga is located in Busturialdea region and is divided in five neighbourhoods.

The great natural richness draws attention since the village is situated in the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve; thus, the municipality has a wide natural environment sheltering ecological variety.

This is without doubt the main tourist attraction to enjoy nature, rural landscapes and beaches.

Arteaga Castle, Neo-gothic tower in Urdaibai

The parish church of Santa María and the Arteaga Castle are the cultural elements of our journey. The church, in the centre of the urban area, dates back to the 12th century, but was rebuilt in the 16th century and the Arteaga Castle is one of the most important buildings in the area. On the other hand, Empress Eugenia de Montijo ordered the construction of the castle and the marble used in it was taken from Gautegiz-Arteaga's quarries.

The natural richness of the area is outstanding. We will follow our trip by the path leading to Atxarre Mountain (312m). There, we will see the hermitage of San Pedro de Atxarre, which offers a magnificent view of the Atlantic meadows and the mouth of the River Urdaibai.

Information of interest

Surface area
14.00 Km
No. of inhabitants
