Tourism destinations
Iurreta is located in the Duranguesado region, very close to Durango. Ibaizabal is its main river, which, passing through the municipality divides the village in two areas. On the right shore of the river, the sculpture of a dantzari (Basque dancer) is a prevalent figure in the beautiful main square that welcomes visitors.
Iurreta hosts many beautiful buildings and features that display its historic heritage, such as the church of San Miguel Arcángel, a neoclassic style temple with a porch made of half point arches facing the square. Another building worth visiting is Goikolea palace, nowadays the municipality's Town Hall and in whose facade we'll find the Iurreta-Gamboas' coat of arms. In Iurreta we'll find many examples of typical Basque country houses, the most relevant civil engineering buildings. Moreover, we'll visit Arandia bridge, solid Baroque construction dating back to the 18th century and the many hermitages, ten in all, spread over Iurreta's mountains and neighbourhoods.
Iurreta holds many festivals all through the year but its main patron festival takes place on September 29, consecrated to San Miguel. Moreover, Iurreta is one of the villages that kept the Dantzari-dantza, traditional dance formed by nine different pieces and danced, for instance, on the saint day of each hermitage.