Tourism destinations
Legazpi is located in the south of the historical territory of Gipuzkoa within the Alto Urola region. The river of the same name, Urola, flows through the town under the shelter of Aizkorri Mountain (1,528m).
Legazpi is closely related to iron and its transformation process, since the town's forest resources and the mining industry developed in the area have favoured the manufacture of it. The Museum of Iron and the Mirandaola Foundry offer tourists the opportunity to know in-depth every detail regarding this activity, located in the hillside of the Aizkorri Natural Park.
A walk through the old part of the town
Besides, we should pay attention to the buildings in the town centre. Modern buildings dominate the area. The town hall, for example, has a fascinating ashlar facade and a beautiful iron coat of arms. We also ought to pay a visit to the parish church of Nuestra Señora de la Asunción, from the 14th century, and Bikuña Palace, dating back to the 16th century.
Legazpi's festivals reflect the importance of iron in this area. The main festival takes place at the beginning of May and is based in the town's iron tradition.