Mutriku | Basque Country towns and cities | Tourism Euskadi
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Port of Mutriku


Tourism destinations


Mutriku is located on the west coast of Gipuzkoa.

The town's uneven relief is due to its location on the slope of Arno Mountain (628m). Mutriku was the birthplace of eminent sailors Antonio Gaztañeta and Cosme Damián Churruca.

Founded at the beginning of the 13th century, its medieval design and ancient wall remains are untouched. The old quarter was declared historical heritage in 1995.

The fascinating narrow streets of Mutriku's old quarter will lead visitors to beautiful palaces and towerhouses dating from the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries. Some of the town's most outstanding buildings are located in the Churruca Square, such as the church of Nuestra Señora de Asunción -declared national monument-, the Town Hall, Galdona palace, Zabiel and Montalibet palaces, and Gaztañeta and Olazarra. In the middle of the square stands the statue of Cosme Damián Churruca, a brave naval officer that died at the Battle of Trafalgar.

A port with sailor flavour

The port of Mutriku is one of the oldest in Gipuzkoa. Over the years its inhabitants devoted themselves to whale fishing and the derived industries.

We cannot forget the traditional Berdel Eguna (Mackerel Day) every first Saturday of April aiming at promoting the mackerel and different ways of cooking it.

An exceptional setting

This picturesque seaside town offers a ravishing view of the most part of Gipuzkoa's coast, especially from the Laranga and Galdonamendi neighbourhoods. Visitors should also pay a visit to the church of San Andrés in the Astigarribia neighbourhood, a construction that is mentioned in documents from the 11th century. The Olatz neighbourhood is well known for its numerous caves and the remains of former lime kilns, some of which have been rebuilt.

The charming landscape has excellent tourism potential. The beaches of Saturraran and Mutriku and the surrounding cliffs, for example, are the town's most striking tourist attractions. Mutriku also offers another summertime attraction: Malen's festival, which is celebrated in July. However, some other festivals have become important in the last years, such as the "Kalbaixo" (celebrated in honour of Christ's Calvary) in September. Both festivals attract many people of the nearby towns.

Information of interest

Surface area
27.70 Km
No. of inhabitants
