Oarsoaldea | Basque Country Tourist Destinations | Tourism Euskadi
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Tourism destinations



  • Aiako Harria Natural Park
  • Pasai Donibane
  • Arditurri Green Way
  • Pasaia's port
  • Ondartxo Museum


Oarsoaldea is a region of contrasts, located in the north-east of Gipuzkoa, between the Bay of Pasaia and the Aiako Harria Natural Park.


In Pasai Donibane, you can observe beautiful houses, rich in colour, as well as the building in which the renowned writer Victor Hugo resided. Opposite this district, in Pasai San Pedro, the Basque shipyard of  Albaola and the Mater Ship and Museum are also worth a visit.


In addition, the San Marcos Fort - at the peak of the homonymous mountain - simply cannot be missed. Mount Jaizkibel, ideal for practising sports in contact with nature, stands over Pasai Donibane and Lezo and you can also enjoy an extremely interesting cultural route in the village of Lezo.


Part of the territory belongs to the Aiako Harria Natural Park. It is the only granite massif in the Basque Country and the oldest Basque geological formation. In its heart, we discover the Arditurri mines, now open to visitors and located at the end of the Arditurri Green Way. This path also leads us to the Luberri Geological Interpretation Centre and Soinuenea Popular Music Centre Museums, located in Oiartzun.

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