Durango Tourist Office | Tourist offices | Tourism Euskadi
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Tourist offices

Tourist Information Centre

Durango Tourist Office

Praktika Onak Euskadiko Turismo Etika

This tourist office is located in the town centre and provides information about Durango, Durangaldea and Euskadi.

It also offers information about accommodation, restaurants, local activities and places to visit.

It is open throughout the year and information is supplied in Basque, Spanish, English and French.

The tourism information office of Durango and Gerediaga Elkartea offer the opportunity to discover the most attractive Durango across 7 guided visits for groups. 

To see the town from the towe of the Church of Santa Ana, to know the secrets and treasures of the Basilica of Santa Maria or to compare the life of the yesterday and today there are alone some of the options that appear for the groups who visit Durango. 

Choose one of the visits:

-    Durango bird's eye view

-    Durango in black and white

-    If Santa María de Durango spoke

-    Durango, zone 0

-    Medieval Durango

-    Durango, civil architecture

-    Durango, the culture of dying

Reservations and conditions: 946 81 80 66 or gerediaga@gerediaga.eus

Information of interest

Kurutziaga, 38 - 48200 Durango
Opening hours

Tue - Sun: 10am - 2:30pm. Also open on Thursdays and Fridays from 4pm to 6:30pm


  • Guided visit