Tourist Office at Bilbao Airport | Tourist offices | Tourism Euskadi
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Tourist offices

Tourist Information Centre

Tourist Office at Bilbao Airport

Surfing Itourbask

Interactive and circular in shape, it is the first high-tech tourist office in the State.

The team who designed it used light as one of the key means of ensuring that it would blend in seamlessly with the airport. It boasts seven screens which display images in high-definition, giving the office the appearance of a lighthouse. In addition, (life-size) famous faces appear on the screens, welcoming visitors, each one in a different language.

Outside, it boasts two touch-sensitive screens which provide all kinds of useful information for tourists arriving in Loiu.

Information of interest

Aeropuerto de Bilbao. Terminal de entradas - 48180 Loiu
Opening hours

Mon - Sun: 9:00 - 21:00