Museum of Artistic Reproductions | Basque Country Museums | Tourism Euskadi
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Museum of Artistic Reproductions

The Museum of Artistic Reproductions of Bilbao, one of the oldest in the city, was created in 1927 with the aim of completing the cultural offer of the town and helping the students of Fine Arts to learn.


Since its foundation, the museum has has different venues until it was definitively housed in the Neo-Gothic Church of the Heart of Mary. This location provides a special atmosphere to his works as seen in the temple where his main exhibition is exhibited.


From the very beginning, the promoters of this Museum gave priority to the quality of the works they wanted to reproduce rather than to quantity. The first works arrived from Madrid, among them: David de Verrochio, El Niño de la Espina, El Torso de Belvedere… Later arrived other replicas of European museums, for example, from Vaticamo Laocoön and His Sons or Apollo Belvedere, and from Louvre Museum in Paris The Venus de Nilo and Victory of Samothrace.


In short, this is one of the oldest museums in the Biscayan capital, where you can discover works of the great classics of extraordinary quality whose originals are in the best museums in Europe.


Guided tours are offered free of charge on the first and last Fridays and Saturdays of each month, provided that there is a minimum of 5 people to do so and with prior reservation on 946 790 255. 

Information of interest

San Francisco, 14 Bilbao
Opening hours

Tuesday to Saturday:  10am -1:30pm  /  4pm – 7pm

Sundays: 10am – 2pm

Summer Timetable (18th July - 8th September)

Tuesday to Sunday: 10am – 2pm


General: 3,00 €

Reduced (students and groups of more than 10 people):  1,50 €

Free: pensioners, children under 10 and teachers

Thursday: Museum day

No. of rooms


  • Guided visit