Tourism destinations
Located in the Urola-Kosta region, Beizama is situated in the historical territory of Gipuzkoa. It is a natural enclave with woods and mountains, that is the reason why green is the predominant colour everywhere. This small town is at a height of 485 metres, which means that is the second highest area in Gipuzkoa following Bidegoyan.
Beizama's historical and cultural heritage consists of many treasures the town has preserved throughout the years. The urban area has many outstanding buildings such as the Town Hall with a three-arch porch, and the parish church of San Pedro. The Renaissance-style church has several Gothic elements. It is the oldest building in town.
The surroundings
After becoming acquainted with the town centre, it is a good idea to go for a walk in the surroundings. Have a look at the hermitages of San Lorenzo and Nuestra Señora de la Soledad, as well as the remains of industrial heritages such as mills, limekilns and coalmines.
If we visit the town at the end of June, we will have a good time at San Pedro's festival. The dinner held at the festival is a special event that gathers together all Beizama's neighbours. Great atmosphere and music are the keynotes those days.