Port of Getaria | Marina and fisher ports | Tourism Euskadi
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Port of Getaria

Port of Getaria

Basque Coast

Fishing ports

Getaria is one of the safest areas in the Bay of Biscay and a focal point for inshore fishing.

Over the last year it has undergone an important transformation that has provided the harbour with new docks and loading/unloading areas. What is more, Getaria enjoys an ideal port infrastructure that caters for both fishing and recreational activities.


Ship-to-shore cranes: 2 private 

Cranes: 1 of (5 tons) 

Travelift (30 tons) 

Repair and wood craftsman garages (fibre and wood) 


Petrol and diesel supply 



Supplies and fishing gear. 


Location: 43º18.4' N 2º12' W 

Tidal range: 4.5 m 

Entrance Mouth: 

Width: 50 m 

Water depth in LLW: 9 m 

Position: NW 

Information of interest

Puerto, 28 - 20808 Getaria


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